Wednesday, September 5, 2012

An Introduction to ME!

One week later and here I am! I think I deserve much praise and appreciation. This second post is officially the longest I have ever blogged. Well, I may or may not have blogged during high school and it was more likely than not extremely embarrassing. We will now forget any mention of this.

I realized that, in my concern for addressing a theme to this blog, I forgot to include any introduction to myself. Probably a mistake for a personal blog. So let me remedy this:

HI! My name is Stephanie. I am a 5'7" (but have half convinced myself and others that I am 5'9" - it just feels right), brown haired, green eyed girl. I live in Toronto Canada, but grew up in Ottawa and lived in the United States for a couple of years during middle school. I just graduated from the University of Toronto with an English Specialist (FUN FACT: my next post is going to be on why English) and am now beginning to look for a full time job. I work part time at a cookie bakery which is both incredibly fun and stressful. I live in my parents basement and revel in how cliched that is. I love tv, like love love it. I am a little nerdy, just around the edges. I really like lists, but this is getting monotonous so I'll end it here.

I'll tell you the fun story behind "Hilldowntree Road" instead!

On my bus ride home everyday, I pass by a street called (you guessed it): Hilldowntree Road. I am, apparently, the only person in the world who finds this absolutely hilarious. Hill - Down - Tree. Who came up with that. It's not even on a hill! 
So I sit on my bus and think about Hilldowntree, and how the opposite would be Valley-up-plastic, and wonder if there is a Valleyupplastic Road. Or I'll make up stories about a famous General who fought in the War of 1812 named Samuel Hilldowntree who lived in one of those houses, before he died valiantly. I'll devise a murder plot, where the killer buries their victims in speedbumps on strangely named streets. I'll fantasize about changing my last name to Hilldowntree and try to convince everyone I meet to do the same, creating an army of Hilldowntrees! It's a long bus ride - I have lots of time to kill.   So when it came to naming this blog, I didn't even have to think, the best choice was obviously Hilldowntree Road. Good story right? And now you have an idea of my sense of humour - weird.

READ: A Song of Ice and Fire: A Clash of Kings, finished; Chew; The Hellbound Heart, page
SHOWS: Breaking Bad season 5 episode 8; West Wing season 3 episode 10; Better Off Ted, season 2 all of it; The Big C, season 2 episode 1, 2

Oh, and I really like fish which is why the background is of fish. I watch all the documentaries on the oceans and the strange creatures living inside of it, and stare in disbelief. Some of them, especially the deep sea fish, look like CGIed sci-fi monsters. 

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